Devon Energy Collective (DEC) cic is a social enterprise which is owned by community energy organisations across Devon.
DEC’s purpose is to develop renewable energy opportunities that can enable more of Devon’s energy to be generated locally.

DEC has been involved in a number of initiatives including:
The Power Allotments, Devon project was set up by Regen and the Devon Energy Collective to engage and encourage communities and individuals across Devon to identify a 5 acre space in their local area for a biodiverse community-owned renewable power project.
Over the course of 12 months to April 2023, funded by Devon County Council, community-minded people concerned about climate change came together and, using the mapping tools and guidance provided by the Power Allotments project, put forward potential generation projects.
The Decarbonise Devon programme is assisting businesses & community organisations by providing advice on energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy projects. It was set up by Devon County Council and is working in partnership with 361 Energy Action, Tamar Energy Community, and Exeter Community Energy.
This page is a replacement, currently, for the Devon Energy Collective website.